ABA Journal:  Would-be law students are less optimistic about finding a job after law school and more worried about student debt, according to a new survey.

Sixty-seven percent of surveyed people considering or applying to law school say they are concerned about finding a job after graduation, compared to 63 percent who expressed concern last year, according to the poll (PDF) by Veritas Prep.

At the same time, the number of students who are extremely confident about finding a job is declining. Twenty-six percent of the respondents said they will always be able to find a job if they have a J.D., a drop of nine percentage points from last year. The National Law Journal has a story, while Veritas summarizes the findings in a press release.

Finding a job that would allow payment of student debt was the top concern, expressed by 73 percent of the respondents. Last year, the top concern was finding an appealing long-term career path.