Judge Issues Arrest Warrant for 19 Year Old for Overdue Library DVD

A Littleton, Colorado judge issued an arrest warrant for a 19 year old who borrowed a $30 DVD from the library and failed to return it.  The city council fired 30 year Municipal Judge James Kimmel.  Turns out the judge issued a summons for Aaron Henson to appear in court, but the summons was never served on Henson so he failed to appear in court.  The judge then issued an arrest warrant.  Seven days after Henson returned the DVD and the library wrote a letter to the judge to inform him of the return, Henson was arrested during a routine traffic stop.  The city found that the judge had issued 71 other arrest warrants when people had not be served.

Almost 700 Former NFL Players Seek Big Bucks from California for Football Injuries

Wow!  The California gravy train is worse than I thought.  Its workers compensation insurance system pays former pro football players big bucks for injuries sustained playing pro football if the player is now a California resident, but was not a resident during the player’s career if the player played one game in California.  Los Angeles Times:  “About 700 former N.F.L. players are pursuing cases in California, according to state records, with most of them in line to receive routine lump-sum settlements of about $100,000 to $200,000.”  In what may be a new way to get money from California, Dr. Eleanor Perfetto has filed a claim on behalf of her husband, Ralph Wenzel, asking the state to compensate him for his dementia allegedly caused by playing in the NFL from 1966 – 1973.

Bike Police Bust 18 Year Old Perp Riding without a Seat & Fine Him $500

Here’s another reason people should not live in California – the bike police.  An 18 year old young man named Trevor Peek was riding his bike without a seat just after the seat had been stolen.  An ever vigilant bike cop, aka police officer, nabbed the offender and cited him for riding without a seat, riding without brakes and riding on the wrong part of the road.  Total fines were $500.

English Fish Police Bust Great-Granny for Selling Goldfish to a Minor

Telegraph:  “A great-grandmother has been ordered to wear an electronic tag for breaching new animal welfare laws by selling a goldfish to a 14 year-old boy.  Joan Higgins, a pet shop owner, was caught selling the fish to the teenager in a ‘sting’ operation by council officials. She was then prosecuted in an eight month court process estimated to have cost the taxpayer more than £20,000.  Under new animal welfare laws, passed in 2006, it is it illegal to sell goldfish to under 16s. Offenders can be punished with up to 12 months in prison.”

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