Superhero Copyright Fights

Estate of Denial:  The comic book industry began life in the early 20th century as the province of con men who stripped artists of their creations, then moved on to the next mark. The artists who were paid virtually nothing for work on characters that are now worth billions at the movies are nearly all dead.  But their heirs are beginning to speak for them through a federal copyright law that practically invites descendants to sue for ownership interests in characters whose current value could never have been imagined at the moment of creation.

6th Circuit Upholds Obamacare’s Insurance Mandate

ABA Journal:  A federal appeals court has upheld the insurance mandate in the Obama administration’s health care law.

In a 2-1 opinion (PDF), the Cincinnati-based 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a requirement for individuals to buy health insurance or to pay a tax penalty. The plaintiffs challenging the law—the Thomas More Law Center and four individuals—had claimed the mandate exceeded Congress’ authority under the commerce clause.

Online Retailers Must Start Collecting Taxes from California Residents

Los Angeles Times:  Shopping at Inc. and other major Internet stores is poised to get more expensive.

Beginning Friday, a new state law will require large out-of-state retailers to collect sales taxes on purchases that their California customers make on the Internet — a prospect eased only slightly by a 1-percentage-point drop in the tax that also takes effect at the same time.

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