Arizona Senate Panel Endorses ‘Sexting’ Bill

Arizona Republic:  “When a 14-year-old texts her 15-year-old boyfriend a topless photo of herself, she could be sending him to prison for five years and labeling him a sex offender for life.  Under current Arizona law, ‘sexting’ among juveniles qualifies as felony sexual exploitation of a minor.  It doesn’t matter that the recipient of the photo also is a juvenile, or that the juvenile in the photo sent it herself.  But a bill working its way through the state Legislature could make Arizona the seventh state in the nation to put sexting between juveniles into a category of its own.  Senate Bill 1266 proposes to make it a misdemeanor offense for a juvenile to use a computer or cell phone to send or possess ‘explicit sexual material’ of another juvenile in the form of a photo or video.”

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