Bankrupt US to spend $200 MILLION a DAY on Obama’s Mumbai Trip

Despite the voters of America voting loud and clear that they do not want the federal government to waste tax dollars, President Obama intends to take his entourage to Mumbai despite the fact his trip will be the single most expensive trip in the history of mankind.  A reasonable person would cancel the trip because there is no way that any perceived benefit could ever out weight the cost of the trip.

NDTV:  “The US would be spending a whopping $200 million . . . per day on President Barack Obama’s visit to the city

[Mumbai].  ‘The huge amount of around $200 million would be spent on security, stay and other aspects of the Presidential visit,’ a top official of the Maharashtra Government privy to the arrangements for the high-profile visit said.  About 3,000 people including Secret Service agents, US government officials and journalists would accompany the President.

Investors Business Daily:  “Yes, a traveling president deserves security. But the 3,000-person entourage accompanying Barack Obama to Mumbai, India, this week reeks of pashalike decadence. . . . Five fully loaded jet aircraft will fly Obama and his party of 3,000 caravan-style in luxury that would make a sultan blush. The entire Taj hotel — 570 rooms — plus other space next door are the sort of accommodations only a khan might have arranged until now.”

See “34 warships sent from US for Obama visit” and “Obama visit criticised for ‘over-the-top’ spending.”

Obama visit criticised for ‘over-the-top’ spending