Phoenix Spends $500,00+ Per Year to Protect Mayor Phil Gordon

According to the Arizona Republic, the City of Phoenix spends $500,000 a year for police bodyguards for Phoenix Mayor Phil Gordon.  Why?  Granted he may need some police protection for the short term in light of death threats made recently because of Mayor Gordon’s statements about Arizona’s illegal immigration law, but why would the city need to spend that kind of money during 24/7/365?  The $500,000 a year is before the recent death threats.

How many other Phoenix officials get police bodyguards and how much does it cost?  How much do other cities spend on bodyguards for their mayors?  How much does the State of Arizona pay to protect Governor Jan Brewer and other state officials?  During a time when Phoenix has a $244 million budget deficit and is cutting spending while raising taxes, $500,000 a year to tail Mayor Phil seems outrageous.

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