Supreme Court Modifies Miranda Rule

Wall St. Journal:  “Criminal defendants won’t get the benefit of the Miranda rule against self-incrimination unless they specifically invoke it, the Supreme Court said Tuesday [June 1, 2010].”  See the 5-4 opinion in the case of  Berghuise, Warden v. Thompkins.

The case involves Van Chester Thompkins who was being investigated for murder when the police asked Thompkins if he prayed for forgiveness for “shooting that boy down.”  Thompkins said, “Yes.”  The U.S. Supreme Court ruled against Thompkins and said that his Miranda rights were not violated and the question and answer could be admitted into evidence at his trial.

Democrat Candidate for California’s U.S. Senate Seat Mickey Kaus on Immigration

Mickey Kaus is a Democrat running against Barbara Boxer for the Democrat nomination for one of California’s seats in the United States Senate.  He wrote a column called “Dems kidding themselves on immigration.” He says:

“the Democrats’ dogma on immigration — they’ve never met an amnesty they didn’t like — is at odds with common sense. After all, why don’t we have free, unfettered immigration – so-called “open borders”? Because half the world would happily move to our country if given a chance. Los Angeles and the Bay Area would soon look like Rio de Janeiro, with vast communities of shacks and slums.”

Pictures from Phoenix Anti Immigration Law Protest on May 29, 2010

Pictures taken at the May 29, 2010, protest march against Arizona’s immigration law you will not see in the main stream media.  Here are some of the captions from signs carried by protesters:

  • Stop the Racism Stop the Deporations
  • Full Citizenship Rights for All Immigrants!  Down with Arizona Racist Pass Law Break with the Democrats for a Revolutionary Workers Party
  • We are in AmeriKKKa Arizona (the z in Arizona is replaced with a swastika)
  • The American Nightmare is Here in Arizona Stop to Fascism Terrorism Let Stop the Lies
  • Borders Can’t be Reformed Only Destroyed
  • Arizona Welcomes You Unless You’re Mexican (the z in Arizona is replaced with a swastika)
  • We are Indigenous with the Right to Migrate Anywhere on the Continent
  • Arizona Nazi (the z in Arizona is replaced with a swastika)
  • Unity Against Racism Full Rights for Immigrants
  • We Didn’t Cross the Border, the Border Crossed Us
  • You’re on Native Land
  • Welcome to the Arizona State Capitol Proudly Built by Immigrant Labor
  • Joe Arpaio Terrorist
  • Worst Sheriff Abuser #1
  • Sheriff Joe America’s Top Hog
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