Battle Over Outrageous Public Worker Pensions

New York Times article entitled “Battle Looms Over Huge Costs of Public Pensions” – “There’s a class war coming to the world of government pensions.  The haves are retirees who were once state or municipal workers. Their seemingly guaranteed and ever-escalating monthly pension benefits are breaking budgets nationwide.  The have-nots are taxpayers who don’t have generous pensions.”

NY Daily News article entitled “How public worker pensions are too rich for New York’s – and America’s – blood” -“New York’s pension rules make it pay more to retire than to work. And the horrible habits here are a window on a national pension picture that’s looking more disastrous by the day. . . . the city’s annual pension payout has increased 900% since 2000. And that’s before health care benefits are included. For every dollar police officers contribute to their retirement, taxpayers contribute nine.”

Tempe Forced to Spend Mega Millions It Doesn’t Have to Fix Empty Lake

Arizona Republic:  “The cash-strapped city is considering three long-term solutions that could cost as much as $84 million. . . . Whatever the price, Tempe officials say they have no choice but to honor their long-term contractual commitments for the lake and to the commercial and residential developments around it.

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