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Woman Says Citibank Fired Her Because She Was Too Hot

Business Insider:  “Debrahlee Lorenzana is filing a lawsuit against Citibank because they fired her, she says, for the strangest reason: she’s too hot. . . . Her bosses told her that ‘as a result of the shape of her figure, such clothes were purportedly ‘too distracting’ for her male colleagues and supervisors to bear,’ she says.”

Village Voice:  “Is This Woman Too Hot To Be a Banker?” which starts:

“Everything about Debrahlee Lorenzana is hot. Even her name sizzles. At five-foot-six and 125 pounds, with soft eyes and flawless bronze skin, she is J.Lo curves meets Jessica Simpson rack meets Audrey Hepburn elegance—a head-turning beauty.”

If you’ve read this far you may want to check out Debrahlee Lorenzana’s 25-picture photo spread.

Arizona Governor & Attorney General Fight Over Who Will Defend Arizona’s Immigration Law in Court

Arizona Attorney General Terry Goddard first said he opposed Arizona’s immigration law and would not defend the law from court challenges.  The Arizona legislature passed House Bill 2162, a law that allows the governor to “direct counsel other than the attorney general to appear on behalf of this state to defend any challenge” to Arizona’s immigration law.  Now that Terry Goddard, prospective Democrat candidate for Arizona Governor in the next election, realizes that the vast majority of Arizona voters approve the law, he now wants to defend the law in court so he can take political credit while opposing the law.  Mr. Goddard was against Arizona’s immigration law before he was in favor of it.

Rather than following Arizona law, i.e., HB 2162, the Arizona Attorney General believes he can ignore it and can pick and chose which Arizona laws to defend based on his political views, rather than whether or not a law needs his representation in court because the State of Arizona is a party to the lawsuit.  Mr. Attorney General refuses to represent Arizona in its lawsuit challenging Obamacare.  The Arizona Governor correctly does not want the law to be defended by somebody who opposes it.  Now the Governor and the Attorney General are sparring over who will represent Arizona in litigation involving SB 1070.

Obama’s FTC Plan to Reinvent America’s News Media

Los Angeles Times:  “a year ago the new Democrat administration of Barack Obama launched a major internal study intended to design a major government rescue plan for the nation’s financially-troubled information media, primarily newspapers.”

“Would you believe: major changes to the copyright law, including government licensing provisions; government pilot programs to investigate potential new media business models, antitrust changes to allow media companies to unite on imposing online pay walls, establish a journalism division of AmeriCorps with government underwriting the training of young journalists, tax incentives per news employee, increased funding of public broadcasting, a 5% tax on consumer electronics and/or assessments on users of public airwaves.”

See “Will journalists wake up in time to save journalism from Obama’s FTC?”  “FTC protects journalism’s past,” “How not to save news – Bad gov’t ideas for journalism” and “FTC floats Drudge tax.”  See also “Lefties take anti-freedom of speech push to FCC.”  The author says Common Cause, the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies  and the United States Hispanic Leadership Institute “seek repeal of the First Amendment’s guarantee of your freedom of speech.”

For a good summary of the FTC report go to “FTC Floats Tax-and-Subsidy Plan for Journalism.”


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