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Student Debt and a Push for Fairness

New York Times:  “t if you borrow money to get an education and can’t afford the loan payments after a few years of underemployment, that’s another matter entirely. It’s nearly impossible to get rid of the debt in bankruptcy court . . . . This part of the bankruptcy law is little known outside education circles, but ever since it went into effect in 2005, it’s inspired shock and often rage among young adults who got in over their heads. Today, they find themselves in the same category as people who can’t discharge child support payments or criminal fines.”

California Assembly Passes Law to Ban Plastic Bags in Stores

If there is one thing as certain as the sun rising in the morning it is that the California legislature will pass laws that make no sense and hurt its economy.  The Associated Press reports that the California Assembly just passed a bill the would create a California-wide ban on stores putting merchandise in plastic bags.  The law would also require stores to charge customers for paper bags if they do not have their own bags.  Rather than dealing with the real problems of the state on the verge of bankruptcy that has one of the highest unemployment rates in the nation, the incompetent and dangerous California legislature continues to add fuel to the California fire.

There is a lot of misinformation about plastic bags being tossed around.  For facts about plastic bags, go to The Trust About Plastic Bags.

Update:  “Those reusable grocery bags meant to replace the thin plastic ones can harbor germs and pose a risk to your health, according to a study by the University of Arizona.”

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